Happy Halloween - Day 6 - Amber Coultis

Happy Freaky Friday everyone and ohhh I've been saving this one as an end of week (trick or) treat.

This is the work of Amber Coultis, a very swish and professional graphic designer. However on her etsy she goes as Vector Penguin and my god I don't think I have ever wanted so many pins from one place.

She has had the stroke of genius to dress up our favourite characters from the wonderful Studio Ghibli films (which I would argue are already pretty spooky) and put them in Halloween costumes. 

Even the susuwatari! My favourite under appreciated Ghibil characters! I hope you feel as excited by these as I do so you can join me in my quest to wear something a little bit Halloween themed every day.
You can see more of this amazing collection on her etsy


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